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st: RE: Setting today's date in a do-file

From   "Nick Cox" <[email protected]>
To   <[email protected]>
Subject   st: RE: Setting today's date in a do-file
Date   Tue, 21 Nov 2006 12:52:56 -0000

This is often asked. See, for example, 
Svend Juul's reply

In a phrase, the answer is use `c(current_date)'. 

[email protected] 

Patrick Woodburn
> So far, when I've wanted a do-file to treat data in a way 
> conditional to
> the date the do-file is run, I've put something like the following
> towards the beginning of my do-file:
> **************macro for today's date: UPDATE when repeat
> do-file***************
> global today "d(21nov2006)"
> **************************************************************
> **********
> *******
> (The stars are a way of emphasising the importance of this line)
> I am worried that this is prone to error, if someone forgot to change
> the date or made an incorrect guesse at the date.  Is there any way to
> automatically obtain today's date in Stata, and, perhaps, to 
> incorporate
> this into a global macro called today, so that I can make the simplest
> modification possible?  I use Stata through a Windows environment, if
> that makes any difference.

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