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st: Gllamm for location choice with location specific variables
From |
Paulo Guimaraes <[email protected]> |
To |
[email protected] |
Subject |
st: Gllamm for location choice with location specific variables |
Date |
Mon, 20 Nov 2006 09:22:47 -0500 |
Dear Kevin,
I suspect that if you want to estimate the conditional logit model for a
location choice model (where the
number of alternatives is typically very large) then GLLAMM may not be a
viable alternative.
If all you want is to add a random effect to the profit specification
you may want to look at the Dirichlet-Multinomial
model, which is a generalization of the conditional logit model and
works well with large choice sets.
There is a stata command to estimate the dirichlet-multinomial - see my
presentation in the NASUG
Hope this helps
Paulo Guimaraes
Date: Sat, 18 Nov 2006 21:49:20 +0000
From: Xiaoheng Zhang <[email protected]>
Subject: st: Gllamm for location choice with location specific variables
Dear all,
I am working on the conditional logit model to look for the determinants of
multinational's location choice of new firms. I used the traditional -CLOGIT-
command and decided to go further using -GLLAMM-.
I redid the discrete choice model example in GLLAMM's manual(Rabe-Hesketh et
al.2004) in Chatper 9.Unfortunately in that example only one explanatory
variable was used and this variable is choicer specific variable-SEX-.In my case
I have some country level variables,i.e. tax rate as well as firm level
variables(nationality) but I cannot figure out how to put both knid of variables
into the model.Besides, my computer took 15 hours to maximize the likelihood but
end up with nothing so I can not even try different combinations..........
Anyone having experiences can give me a hint on how to do it?Data is already in
the "expand" form as required by -CLOGIT-.
Thanks a lot!
Kevin in Dublin
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Date: Sun, 19 Nov 2006 08:47:59 -0500
From: Kit Baum <[email protected]>
Subject: st: ivreg2 updated
The -ivreg2- package of Baum, Schaffer, Stillman has been updated. We
have added an improved test for weak instruments---the Cragg/Donald
test---for which critical values are available from the work of Jim
Stock and Moto Yogo. We thank them for permission to reproduce their
published critical values in our code.
The ivreg2 program's output now features hyperlinks to the relevant
section of the help file for a number of the statistics reported. The
help file itself has been extensively redone with embedded hyperlinks
and section headings to ease navigation.
ivreg2 requires Stata 8.2 or better. Users of Stata 7 may use the
version accessible from the Stata Journal. You may download the
updated ivreg2 using the ssc command or by adoupdate. Please do not
download these routines with a web browser, especially in a Windows
We thank the many users who have helped us improve this routine. We
are working on more formal documentation of its enhanced abilities,
and will circulate that when it is completed. The ivreg2 package
includes, as an ancillary file, the certification script which we use
to test its reliability. For more information on Stata software
certification, please see Bill Gould's paper
Kit Baum, Boston College Economics
An Introduction to Modern Econometrics Using Stata:
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Date: Sun, 19 Nov 2006 07:14:41 -0800 (PST)
From: george owuor <[email protected]>
Subject: [none]
Dear all,
i am running instrumental variables estimations. y=f(X,W), and W is endogenours, so stage one becomes W=f(Z), and stage 2 becomes y=f(X, Predicted W). My function is aproduction function with conventional inputs such as fertiliser, seeds, labour and then credit which is the (W). Must the number of RHS variables in stage one be the same number as RHS ones in stage two.
Please help.
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Date: Sun, 19 Nov 2006 15:39:12 +0000
From: Socrates Mokkas <[email protected]>
Subject: st: Join String Variables
Hi People,
OK, I know how to split string variables but have not found a way to join string variables. Did a search but could not source something out. Can you direct me to a command? Or if not is there a way round it. I just want to put two or more strings in one even if missing values exist. For example,
obs Var1 Var2 Var3 Var3
2 C C
I have Var1 and Var2 and want to create Var3.
Thanks a lot.
Socrates Mokkas
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Date: Sun, 19 Nov 2006 16:45:01 +0100
From: "Daniel Stegmueller" <[email protected]>
Subject: Re: st: RE: rename individual columns/rows of a matrix
thank you very much for your suggestions!
2006/11/17, Nick Cox <[email protected]>:
I think whatever you do will end in something like
matrix rownames ... = ...
matrix colnames ... = ...
where the RHS includes the new names. This is adoable,
as I understand it. The question is whether the result
is any less awkward than doing it directly. Here is one stab,
not tested much.
-------------------------------------------- matrcrename.ado
// NJC 1.0.0 17 November 2006
// matrix row_or_column rename
program matrcrename
version 8
// syntax matrixname row_or_col which_row_or_col new_name
// matrix name
gettoken matrix 0 : 0
confirm matrix `matrix'
// row or column
gettoken which 0 : 0
local length = length("`which'")
if lower("`which'") == substr("row",1,`length') {
local which row
else if lower("`which'") == substr("column",1,`length') {
local which col
else {
di as err "second argument should specify row or column"
exit 198
// which row or column
gettoken where newname : 0
if "`which'" == "row" {
capture local found = inrange(`where', 1, rowsof(`matrix'))
if _rc {
di as err "inappropriate row number?"
exit 498
if !`found' {
di as err "row out of range"
exit 498
else {
capture local found = inrange(`where', 1, colsof(`matrix'))
if _rc {
di as err "inappropriate column number?"
exit 498
if !`found' {
di as err "column out of range"
exit 498
// test newname
tempname moo
matrix `moo' = J(1,1,1)
capture matrix rownames `moo' = `newname'
if _rc {
local what = cond("`which'" == "col", "column", "row")
di as err "inappropriate `what' name?"
exit 498
// in business!
local names : `which'names `matrix'
tokenize `names'
local `where' `newname'
local newnames "`*'"
matrix `which'names `matrix' = `newnames'
. mat li z
symmetric z[3,3]
a 1
b 1 1
c 1 1 1
. matrcrename z row 3 Stata
. mat li z
symmetric z[3,3]
a 1
b 1 1
Stata 1 1 1
. matrcrename z col 4 SAS
column out of range
. matrcrename z col 3 Some Alternative Software
inappropriate column name?
. matrcrename frog col 3 toad
matrix frog not found
[email protected]
Daniel Stegmueller
is there a quick way to change individual columns or rows of a matrix?
The 'matrix rownames' command is not useful, since I want to use a
loop to rename rows and columns step-by step.
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- --
Blore's Razor:
Given a choice between two theories, take the one which is funnier.
- ------------------------------------------------------------
Daniel Stegm�ller
Elisabethstr. 3
68165 Mannheim
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Date: Sun, 19 Nov 2006 10:59:58 -0500
From: Kit Baum <[email protected]>
Subject: st: instrumental variables
George said
i am running instrumental variables estimations. y=f(X,W), and W is
endogenours, so stage one becomes W=f(Z), and stage 2 becomes y=f
(X, Predicted W). My function is aproduction function with
conventional inputs such as fertiliser, seeds, labour and then credit
which is the (W). Must the number of RHS variables in stage one be
the same number as RHS ones in stage two.
George should heed the Statalist FAQ and use informative subject
headings on his postings.
He should read any textbook discussion of instrumental variables /
two stage least squares. He might also find the Baum/Schaffer/
Stillman Stata Journal article useful; a working paper version can be
accessed from
One does not run the first stage and second stage as separate
regressions. The number of included endogenous variables (one in his
example, W) must be less than or equal to the number of excluded
instruments. His mention of Z does not make clear whether that is a
variable or a matrix of variables. If Z is a single variable, the
equation would be exactly identified via the order condition. It
would be preferable if the equation were overidentified---if Z
contained more than one column---for then Sargan/Hansen tests for
overidentifying restrictions could shed some light on the adequacy of
the instruments.
Kit Baum, Boston College Economics
An Introduction to Modern Econometrics Using Stata:
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* http://www.stata.com/support/faqs/res/findit.html
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Date: Sun, 19 Nov 2006 17:06:01 +0100
From: "Ingo Brooks" <[email protected]>
Subject: Re: st: drop in a do-file
I think the problem should be solved by defining -km`i'- to be a
- -tempname-, see -help tempname-.
Hope this helps,
On 11/19/06, Joe Trubisz <[email protected]> wrote:
OK...that's useful, but can you explain the following sequence of
commands (some output supressed):
.infile str15 disease v1 v2 v3 v4 v5 v6 v7 v8 v9 v10 v11
v12 v13 v14 v15 v16 using "/Users/h/ data/
. do clusterk 4
. cap: drop km* <--- added this as you suggest to the do file
. local low = `1' - 2
. local high = `1' + 4
. forvalues i=`low'/`high' {
2. cluster kmeans v1-v`1', k(`i') name(km`i')
3. cluster stop km`i'
4. }
This works...but if I follow it with the same command again as in:
. do clusterk 4
. cap: drop km*
. local low = `1' - 2
. local high = `1' + 4
. forvalues i=`low'/`high' {
2. cluster kmeans v1-v`1', k(`i') name(km`i')
3. cluster stop km`i'
4. }
km2 already defined
. display km2
km2 not found
If I run it again, it works. However, if I manually drop km* (first
line below) and issue the command again, I get the following:
. drop km* <--- I typed this in
. do clusterk 4
. cap: drop km*
. local low = `1' - 2
. local high = `1' + 4
. forvalues i=`low'/`high' {
2. cluster kmeans v1-v`1', k(`i') name(km`i')
3. cluster stop km`i'
4. }
km2 already defined
If I run do clusterk 4 now, it works.
Any suggestions?
On Nov 18, 2006, at 8:56 PM, Kit Baum wrote:
Joseph writes
I am automating a bunch of commands in a do file, so I can rerun
the do file, just changing the argument.
If I have a:
drop km*
in my do file, the first time thru, it fails because it can't drop it.
No problem, since I can run as: do clusterk 4, nostop
and it goes fine.
However, if I rerun the next time thru as: do clusterk 6, nostop,
it fails with error number 198,
saying that variable km2 exists. You can see that the drop works
though, since it disappears
from the variables window.
help capture
Kit Baum, Boston College Economics
An Introduction to Modern Econometrics Using Stata:
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Date: Sun, 19 Nov 2006 17:28:27 +0100
From: "Svend Juul" <[email protected]>
Subject: Re: st: Join String Variables
Socrates wrote:
OK, I know how to split string variables but have not found a way to join string variables. Did a search but could not source something out. Can you direct me to a command? Or if not is there a way round it. I just want to put two or more strings in one even if missing values exist. For example,
obs Var1 Var2 Var3 Var3
2 C C
I have Var1 and Var2 and want to create Var3.
- ----------------------------------------
Assuming that you want to create var4 from var1, var2, and var3:
generate var4 = var1+var2+var3
You might also want to study:
help string functions
Hope this helps
Svend Juul
Institut for Folkesundhed, Afdeling for Epidemiologi
(Institute of Public Health, Department of Epidemiology)
Vennelyst Boulevard 6
DK-8000 Aarhus C, Denmark
Phone, work: +45 8942 6090
Phone, home: +45 8693 7796
Fax: +45 8613 1580
E-mail: [email protected]
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Date: Sun, 19 Nov 2006 16:50:10 -0000
From: "Nick Cox" <[email protected]>
Subject: RE: st: Join String Variables
In addition,
egen Var4 = concat(Var1 Var2 Var3)
In this example, -egen, concat()- gains you
nothing, but it has some other features that
make it more worthwhile.
[email protected]
Svend Juul
Socrates wrote:
OK, I know how to split string variables but have not found a
way to join string variables. Did a search but could not
source something out. Can you direct me to a command? Or if
not is there a way round it. I just want to put two or more
strings in one even if missing values exist. For example,
obs Var1 Var2 Var3 Var3
2 C C
I have Var1 and Var2 and want to create Var3.
Assuming that you want to create var4 from var1, var2, and var3:
generate var4 = var1+var2+var3
You might also want to study:
help string functions
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Date: Sun, 19 Nov 2006 17:23:57 -0000
From: "Nick Cox" <[email protected]>
Subject: RE: st: Data Manipulation Question
This is an FAQ.
replace Parent = Parent[_n-1] if missing(Parent)
would work in this example.
More generally, see
How can I replace missing values with previous or following nonmissing values?
How can I replace missing values within sequences?
Bob Yaffee's approach based on pretending that this is a panel
data set can thus be avoided. His further suggestion of
using -destring- wouldn't work, as -Parent- has no numeric
interpretation, and is also unnecessary, as the logic of
the device above applies to both numeric and string variables.
[email protected]
Socrates Mokkas
I have a question related to data manipulation. My data sample is
like that:
Parent Subsidiary
What I want is to fill the gaps of the ParName.
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Date: Sun, 19 Nov 2006 12:25:39 -0500
From: Robert A Yaffee <[email protected]>
Subject: Re: st: Join String Variables
Try egen Var3=concat(Var1 Var2 Var3)
Robert A. Yaffee, Ph.D.
Research Professor
Shirley M. Ehrenkranz
School of Social Work
New York University
home address:
Apt 19-W
2100 Linwood Ave.
Fort Lee, NJ
Phone: 201-242-3824
Fax: 201-242-3825
[email protected]
- ----- Original Message -----
From: Socrates Mokkas <[email protected]>
Date: Sunday, November 19, 2006 10:39 am
Subject: st: Join String Variables
Hi People,
OK, I know how to split string variables but have not found a way
to join string variables. Did a search but could not source
something out. Can you direct me to a command? Or if not is there a
way round it. I just want to put two or more strings in one even if
missing values exist. For example,
obs Var1 Var2 Var3 Var3
2 C C
I have Var1 and Var2 and want to create Var3.
Thanks a lot.
Socrates Mokkas
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Date: Sun, 19 Nov 2006 17:54:41 -0000
From: "Nick Cox" <[email protected]>
Subject: RE: st: Join String Variables
Note that this won't work, as -egen- never -replace-s.
If you did want to overwrite -Var3-,
egen temp = concat(Var1 Var2 Var3)
replace Var3 = temp
drop temp
[email protected]
Robert A Yaffee
Try egen Var3=concat(Var1 Var2 Var3)
Socrates Mokkas
I just want to put two or more strings in one even if
missing values exist. For example,
obs Var1 Var2 Var3 Var3
2 C C
I have Var1 and Var2 and want to create Var3.
Thanks a lot.
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Date: Sun, 19 Nov 2006 13:52:38 -0500
From: "John P. Bigelow" <[email protected]>
Subject: st: Re: st Variable dropped from regression: how to capture event?
- - --- Friedrich Huebler <[email protected]> wrote:
I am running a loop of regressions that should only be completed when
all variables are included. In case a variable is dropped I want to
skip the rest of the loop and continue with the next regression.
The regression still runs, but with an incomplete set of variables.
How can I check whether a variable was dropped?
As an alternative to some of the suggestions that have been offered already,
you could test the variable list without even running the regression by
using the - _rmcoll - command. or - _rmdcoll - command.
Say you want to regress Y on X1 X2 X3, but only if the X variables are
Before running the regression set up with
local depvar = "X1 X2 X3"
then run
_rmcoll `depvar'
_rmcoll will return in r(varlist) a list of non-collinear variables found in
If `r(varlist)' and `depvar' are the same go ahead and run
reg Y `depvar'
otherwise skip it.
John Bigelow
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Date: Sun, 19 Nov 2006 22:46:33 +0100
From: "Alessandro Fiaschi" <[email protected]>
Subject: st: frequency distribution (graphic)
Dear all, I would like to do graphic descriptions of all the variables
of my panel (firm data, ten years), to show some appearance of
non-normality. In particular, I'm interested in making an histogram
with frequency distribution for each variable (x = values of variable,
y = fraction). Thanks in advance for any help.
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Date: Sun, 19 Nov 2006 22:33:07 +0000 (GMT)
From: Maarten buis <[email protected]>
Subject: Re: st: frequency distribution (graphic)
- --- Alessandro Fiaschi <[email protected]> wrote:
I would like to do graphic descriptions of all the variables
of my panel (firm data, ten years), to show some appearance of
non-normality. In particular, I'm interested in making an histogram
with frequency distribution for each variable
have a look at -help twoway histogram-, in particular look at the -by-
option (I am assuming you actually don't want to compare different
variables, but the distribution of the same variable for different
firms). If you really want to put histograms of different variables in
the same graph, look at -help graph combine-.
- -----------------------------------------
Maarten L. Buis
Department of Social Research Methodology
Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam
Boelelaan 1081
1081 HV Amsterdam
The Netherlands
visiting address:
Buitenveldertselaan 3 (Metropolitan), room Z434
+31 20 5986715
- -----------------------------------------
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End of statalist-digest V4 #2526
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