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st: RE: running -ktau- and storing its results for each observation

From   "Nick Cox" <[email protected]>
To   <[email protected]>
Subject   st: RE: running -ktau- and storing its results for each observation
Date   Fri, 17 Nov 2006 11:42:39 -0000

I agree that you would be better off with the data 
-reshape-d to long. 

After that one standard protocol is of this form 

levelsof id, local(ids) 

gen corr = . 

qui foreach i of local ids { 
	ktau rank90 rank05 if id == `i' 
	replace corr = r(tau_a) if id == `i'

After that, each correlation for each individual is necessarily 
repeated for each observation for that individual. 
You can tag just one observation from each group
using -egen, tag()-. 

For more on -foreach- see for example

[P]     foreach . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  Loop over items
        (help foreach)

FAQ     . . . . . . . . . . Making foreach go through all values of a variable
        8/05    Is there a way to tell Stata to try all values of a
                particular variable in a foreach statement without
                specifying them?

FAQ     . . . . . . . . .  Counting distinct strings across a set of variables
        7/04    How do I count the number of distinct strings
                across a set of variables?

FAQ     . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Getting nice time of day labels on a graph
        9/03    How can I get "nice" time of day labels on a graph?

Example . . . . Stata learning module:  Working across variables using foreach
        . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  UCLA Academic Technology Services

SJ-3-2  pr0009  . . . . . . . . . . . . . Speaking Stata:  Problems with lists
        Q2/03   SJ 3(2):185--202                                 (no commands)
        discusses ways of working through lists held in macros

SJ-2-2  pr0005  . . . . . .  Speaking Stata:  How to face lists with fortitude
        Q2/02   SJ 2(2):202--222                                 (no commands)
        demonstrates the usefulness of for, foreach, forvalues, and
        local macros for interactive (non programming) tasks

There are also other versions of the last on the internet, as a Google 
will show. 

[email protected] 

Kelvin Foo
> I have a dataset where individuals rank items from 1 to 10 in the
> years 1990 and 2005. I would like to find the Kendall's tau statistic
> for each individual's rankings of items between these two years, and
> store the results in a new variable. In my dataset, the individuals
> are the observations and the rankings are stored in 20 variables,
> named A_90, B_90... J_90, A_05, B_05,.. J_05. A to J are the 10 items
> and '90', '05' are the years.
> How can I carry out this task?
> My guess is to first use -reshape- to have 1990's rankings stored in
> one variable (rank90), and 2005's rankings in another variable
> (rank05). Each individual would have an identifier number associated
> with him, and this will appear 10 times in the reshaped long format.
> Next, I was thinking of running
> generate correl=. // variable for storing Kendall tau results
> by identifier: ktau rank90 rank05
> But how do I get Stata to store the r(tau_a) result in correl for each
> individual before moving on to the next one?
> Or is there an alternative way in which I can find the Kendall tau for
> each observation, given that my rankings are stored across different
> variables?

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