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st: RE: how to connect points only within groups

From   "Nick Cox" <[email protected]>
To   <[email protected]>
Subject   st: RE: how to connect points only within groups
Date   Thu, 16 Nov 2006 16:46:43 -0000

Thanks for the positive comments on

However, this is flagged as applicable to Stata <=7, 
so that there should be many better ways to do 
what you want, assuming that have Stata 9, as 
is the standard Statalist assumption unless you 
indicate otherwise. 

Also, I can't work out from what's here quite what your
problem really is. Adding random noise is a small
detail which sometimes works to shake apart traces
that would otherwise be tied, but if you have lots
of ties it won't do much good. 

In current Stata, there are least three broad ways 
of getting what I guess you want. 

1. -separate- a response variable into groups
before plotting. That is possible in Stata >=6 too. 

2. -xtline- if your data are panel data. 

3. -linkplot- from SSC is dedicated to (one 
version of) this problem. 

The tricks and dodges in this FAQ are mostly
superfluous given the greater control in current 

[email protected] 

Jos� Maria Pacheco de Souza

> In FAQ, under the title above, on March 1998, revised October 
> 1999, there is 
> a very good, clear orientation, by Nick Cox. However, I could 
> not get the 
> complete separation of  all the lines. Maybe I was not lucky 
> in generating 
> the random noise, or my set of lines is too large.
> Is it possible to go further? By the way, I tried several  
> times, using 
> different seeds.

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