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Re: st: single p-value for categorical variables and interactions

From   "Clive Nicholas" <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   Re: st: single p-value for categorical variables and interactions
Date   Wed, 15 Nov 2006 21:35:47 -0000 (GMT)

Kelly Richardson wrote:

> I have 2 categorical variables: race (1=black 0=white) and segregation
> (1=low 2=medium 3=high). I am using the xi command to create the dummy
> variables and then an interaction between the two. So, I have one dummy
> for race and 2 dummies for segregation and 2 dummies for the
> interaction:
> race
> segr_med
> segr_high
> race_segr_med
> race_segr_high
> Is it possible to get a single p-value for segregation and a single
> p-value for the interaction between race and segregation in addition to
> a p-value for each of the categories? I'd like to look at each of the
> dummies separately as well as the constructs as a whole on a particular
> outcome.

I hope I haven't misinterpreted this, but why not have just one -segr-
variable? After all, it's ordinally measured. That way, you can make the -
not unreasonable, I think - interpretation that for every 1-unit increase
in -segr- (assuming your measurement of it is the best there is) is
associated with Y-unit increase in your dependent variable? (You don't say
what your DV is, but I assume it's continuously measured.) Having just the
one -segr- variable knocks out one of your above interactions, as it's
just race*segregation. If you're happy with this, then you'll be happy
with this interaction. So, you have just one p-value for -segr- and one
p-value for -raceXsegr-. Hope that helps.

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