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st: locpoly and look of graph

From   [email protected]
To   [email protected]
Subject   st: locpoly and look of graph
Date   Mon, 13 Nov 2006 15:18:00 -0500

I'm using the locpoly command and am having trouble controlling the
titling and look of the axes. The title of the overall graph
appears just fine when I use the option title("my title"). However,
the command is ignoring the options ytitle, xtitle, ylabel and
xlabel. It just puts the default y and x axes titles (variable
names) and its own choice of ticks and labels. When I use the
option l1title and b1title, my titles do appear on the y and x axes
but they get added to the default variable-name titles instead of
being substituted for them.

Here is the full command as I put it in:

locpoly changednew arsenic if geogbehall1==1 & arsenic<100,
degree(5) width(6) n(500) ylabel(0(.1)1) xlabel(0(10)100) noscatter
ytitle("Probability of changing to another well") xtitle("Arsenic in
baseline well, micrograms per liter") title("Non-parametric estimate
of the response to arsenic concentrations in well water")

Does anyone know how I can get Stata to give me the axes titles,
ticks and labels that I want?

Thanks so much,

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