The recent talk of printing in colo(u)r syntax-highlighted code
prompted me to look up how to do it in my editor of choice (despite
rarely printing code out!!!).
Under *NIX systems, assuming you have syntax highlighting for whatever
you are using (for Stata this could come from Emacs Speaks Statistics
( or Bill Rising's ado-mode
( it
can be achieved by using the ps-print-buffer-with-faces command. Thus
you go to the buffer you want to print and...
M-x ps-print-buffer-with-faces
and it'll come off your colo(u)r printer with all the higlighting.
I can't comment on how to do this under Windows or Mac systems as I
don't have access to either, but I did find the following description
(albeit a rather convoluted route involving exporting to postscript
then converting to pdf) of how to achieve this using Emacs under a
Windows environment at...
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