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Re: st: Do-File editor : a humble plea
On 7 Samh 2006, at 17:44, <[email protected]>
<[email protected]> wrote:
- The ctrl + S shortcut to save the do-file doesn't seem to work, at
least with me. It took me a while to realize it, so that I had to
experience a few disasters in my early days as a Stata-user.
Works on OS X, Stata/SE 9
- Stata opens one do-file editor window for each do-file I work on..
Sometimes I have up to 5 do-file editors opened at a time - the pain..
Firefox-like multiple tabs would be a dream come true.
OS X user might like to install Witch
which allows you to navigate between open windows with <alt><tab>.
However, I echo your discontent. A tabbed interface, a floating list
of open windows or a browser pane would really help. From there, it
is a short step to being able to save a Stata 'project' - a series of
files that open simultaneously in a browser. Most text editors have
been able to do this for years.
- It does not highlight stuff in fancy colours, which I would really
like it to do - one colour for known commands would be a minimum ;
different colours for what it thinks should be a varname, an
option, an
expression, etc. would be appreciated too, ideally..
The absolute minimum would be to have colouring for comments and
quotes. This shouldn't be much of a headache to implement and it
would certainly cut out my most common error!
The other really useful feature that would make quote writing easier
would be to adopt BBEdit/TextWrangler's habit of giving a little meep
when you type a close quote that doesn't balance with an open quote.
Ron�n Conroy
Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland
[email protected]
+353 (0) 1 402 2431
+353 (0) 87 799 97 95
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