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st: clogit and fitstat - estimates not found error

From   Alexander Cavallo <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   st: clogit and fitstat - estimates not found error
Date   Tue, 7 Nov 2006 17:04:47 -0600

Dear Statalist,
For some reason, when I run -fitstat- after -clogit-, the fit statistics are calculated, but -fitstat- gives an error that the last estimates are not found. I am running Stata 9.2 for Unix fully updated.

I think the problem has to do with -fitstat- calling -clogit- at the end, but I do not understand what goes wrong.  See below.

--Alex Cavallo
Managing Consultant
Navigant Consulting, Inc.

. clogit
Conditional (fixed-effects) logistic regression Number of obs = 569600
LR chi2(72) = 109239.11
Prob > chi2 = 0.0000
Log likelihood = -76535.692 Pseudo R2 = 0.4164
chosen | Coef. Std. Err. z P>|z| [95% Conf. Interval]
inter_2 | -2.266428 .0715774 -31.66 0.000 -2.406717 -2.126139
inter_3 | -1.576744 .0781393 -20.18 0.000 -1.729894 -1.423594
inter_4 | -3.345032 .0812914 -41.15 0.000 -3.50436 -3.185704
inter_5 | -2.067434 .0642094 -32.20 0.000 -2.193282 -1.941586
[output deleted]
fieldprob | .0258431 .0024827 10.41 0.000 .0209771 .0307091
male_inite~n | -.3817806 .199818 -1.91 0.056 -.7734166 .0098554
male_linear | .5492926 .0678761 8.09 0.000 .4162579 .6823273
male_quadr~c | 22.07578 2.516595 8.77 0.000 17.14335 27.00822
male_iqrlife | 3.511347 1.376028 2.55 0.011 .8143821 6.208313
female_ini~n | .1238352 .1443332 0.86 0.391 -.1590527 .4067232
female_lin~r | .2243673 .0491851 4.56 0.000 .1279661 .3207684
female_qua~c | 9.211617 1.799535 5.12 0.000 5.684594 12.73864
female_iqr~e | .6047346 .9870871 0.61 0.540 -1.329921 2.53939
. fitstat
Measures of Fit for clogit of chosen
Log-Lik Intercept Only: -131155.247 Log-Lik Full Model: -76535.692
D(56888): 153071.384 LR(72): 109239.110
Prob > LR: 0.000
McFadden's R2: 0.416 McFadden's Adj R2: 0.416
Maximum Likelihood R2: 0.853 Cragg & Uhler's R2: 0.862
Count R2: 0.639
AIC: 2.690 AIC*n: 153215.384
BIC: -469858.164 BIC': -108450.703
last estimates not found
. set trace on
. fitstat

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- begin fitstat ---
- version 6.0
[output deleted]
- local cnames "`cnames' n_parm n_rhs"
= local cnames "N ll_0 ll dev dev_df lrx2 lrx2_df lrx2_p r2_mf r2_mfadj r2_ml r2_cu r2_mz r2_ef v_ystar v_error r2_ct r2_ctadj r2 r2_adj aic aic_n bic bic_p n_parm n_rhs"
- mat rownames `results' = `e(cmd)'
= mat rownames __00001U = clogit
- mat colnames `results' = `cnames'
= mat colnames __00001U = N ll_0 ll dev dev_df lrx2 lrx2_df lrx2_p r2_mf r2_mfadj r2_ml r2_cu r2_mz r2_ef v_ystar v_error r2_ct r2_ctadj r2 r2_adj aic aic_n bic bic_p n_parm n_r
> hs
- if "`saving'" != "" {
= if "" != "" {
capture mat drop fs_`saving'
mat fs_`saving' = `results'
di _newline in blu "(Indices saved in matrix fs_`saving')"
- quietly `cmd'
= quietly clogit
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- begin clogit ---
- version 8.2, missing
- if _by() {
local by "by `_byvars'`_byrc0':"
- if _caller() < 8.2 {
- `by' _clogit `0'
= _clogit
last estimates not found
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- end clogit ---
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- end fitstat ---

. which fitstat
*! version 1.6.4 2/22/01 add warning messages
. which clogit
*! version 1.3.14 18aug2006
. update query
Stata executable
folder: /usr/local/stata/
name of file: stata
currently installed: 06 Oct 2006
latest available: 06 Oct 2006
Ado-file updates
folder: /usr/local/stata/ado/updates/
names of files: (various)
currently installed: 27 Oct 2006
latest available: 27 Oct 2006
Do nothing; all files up to date.

This communication is from Navigant Consulting Inc. E-mail text or attachments may contain information which is confidential and may also be privileged. This communication is for the exclusive use of the intended recipient(s). If you have received this communication in error, please return it with the title "received in error" to [email protected], and then delete the email and destroy any copies of it. In addition, this communication is subject to, and incorporates by reference, additional disclaimers found in Navigant Consulting's "Email Disclaimer" section at

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