I do not use -estout- though I recommend it to others. Hypocrisy
aside, I suspect the -keep- option needs you to specify the variables
in multi-equation models with an equation modifier preceding the
variable name. See:
webuse nhanes2
foreach v of varlist *result {
cap heckman `v' black fem, select(bp*)
if _rc==498 reg `v' black fem
estimates store `v', title ((6))
est table *
The -estout- help file also refers to an option equations(eqmatchlist)
that is bound to be of some use here.
On 11/7/06, Matthew Pearson <[email protected]> wrote:
I have been using the estout code at the bottom of this message for a
while with no problems. However, when I recently changed some of the
models from reg to heckman, I can no longer get all of them to
display in the table. The values in e( ) have the same name for both
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