Dear all,
I have a basic problem, but I don't find the solution:
I have a date set with 1 line per patient, and many measures by patient
(mes1, mes2, mes3, ...). The number of measurement is given by the nb_mes
id mes1 mes2 mes3 mes4 nb_mes
1 30 21 25 46 4
2 26 24 2
3 14 15 13 3
For each patient, I would like to calculate the difference :
mes2-mes1, mes3-mes, ..., until : mes`nb_mes'-mes1
I've tried this:
forvalues i=2/`nb_dos' {
local im1=`i'-1
gen diff`im1'=mes`i'-mes1
Invalid syntax
The problem comes from forvalues i=2/`nb_dos'
`nb_dos' is not the good syntax
What should I do ?
Thank you
Ing�nieur statisticien
Service de Biostatistique des Hospices Civils de Lyon
162 Avenue Lacassagne
69424 Lyon Cedex 03 - France
t�l: +33 4 72 11 57 55
fax: +33 4 72 11 51 41
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