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Re: st: Memory during a merge

From   [email protected] (William Gould, Stata)
To   [email protected]
Subject   Re: st: Memory during a merge
Date   Fri, 03 Nov 2006 13:19:33 -0600

Fred Wolfe <[email protected]> replied to my desciption of 
how -merge, nokeep()- works, 

> So if I understand you correctly, the observations are brought in and then
> the non keep variables are deleted? If that is the case the maximum memory
> use with keep() would be no different than from the memory use without keep.


In Stata, you think of bringing in the entire dataset.  Inside the C 
code, we have the ability to bring in the dataset an observation at a time, 
and to throw those observations away as we go.

Consider a dataset of 10,000 observations, each 5,000 bytes long.  The dataset
is then 10,000x5,000 = 50,000,000 bytes.  Let's say that's the dataset on disk
when we -merge- and that we -keep()- only one of the variables:  a 2-byte one.

We do not bring in the 50,000,000 bytes and then reduce that to 2*10,000 = 
20,000 bytes.

We bring in 5,000 bytes.  We then decide whether that observation merges.
If it does, we copy 2 bytes from the 5,000 bytes to the appropriate place, and
then throw the 5,000 bytes away.  Then we do it again.  And again.

Fred mentioned -merge-'s -keep()- option (keep a subset of the variables), but
he did not mention the -nokeep- option (keep only observations that merge).
Perhaps Fred wants to specify both options.

-- Bill
[email protected]
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