There is only one "do-file text editor" that I
know of, and that is Stata's, in the sense that
-doedit- has built-in understanding of what a
do file does. But any text editor can be used to
edit do files.
Vim can print syntax highlighting in color.
Also in colour. It looks very nice, temporarily, until
I cover it with red pen in fixing bugs, infelicities,
and inefficiencies.
Seriously, if you are used to TextPad you are a long
way down the Windows route, and it should take more
than this need to make you want to climb the Vim
learning curve -- unless you were happy to jump in
and out of Vim just for this purpose.
[email protected]
Raphael Fraser
> Are there any do-file text editor out there that supports syntax
> highlighting that will print the actual code in color? Presently I am
> using TextPad which supports syntax highlighting but prints in black
> and white. Is there anything I can do to solve this problem?
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