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st: fine tuning do files

From   Diego Bellavia <[email protected]>
To   STATAlist <[email protected]>
Subject   st: fine tuning do files
Date   Mon, 30 Oct 2006 16:33:34 +0100 (CET)

Dear Statalisters, 

I am working on the fine-tuning of some .do files I
have prepared for diagnostics in regression analysis
(simple regression so far), and i have some questions
about that: 

1) I integrated UltraEdit and STATA as kindly reported
by Nick Cox. The system works fine with the only
exception that everytime i run a script from UltraEdit
it creates a new window of STATA, not using the old
one already present. Is there a way to say Ultraedit
to use the STATA (and dataset) already loaded ?
Actually I use the "%f" do option, is that correct, or
I should use something else ?

2) The scripts I have prepared are very simple and
work pretty fine, but I have to edit them everytime I
change the outcome and predictor(s) of the model.
Would it be possible to have some interaction with the
script itself ? In simple words, I would like to
modify the script so that would be STATA to ask me
what are the outcome (y) and predictor(s) (x or x1 x2
x3...) and run the script consequently. Is there a way
to create such an interaction with the program ? 

Thank you always 


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