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st: Mata logical operators

From   "U.A.QU.AP" <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   st: Mata logical operators
Date   Wed, 25 Oct 2006 21:18:09 +0200 (CEST)

Dear all,
I've written a loop that maximize a given function. In order to
control convergence i use 3 critereon
iteration number and 2 scalars for tolerance
My statement is :
while ((critb > eps) || (crita > eps^2) || (iter <= 31)) {
I expect that Mata must stop the loop when at least one of the three critereon is reached. But the problem is:  Mata goes untill iteration 112 (for example) and it doesn't stop the loop at iteration 31 as expected.
My output portion is given below:
End iteration    112.00
Stepsize:      0.02
Criterion:      1.35
Percent variation:      0.00
Even when i replace (||) by (|) I get the same results
any ideas to resolve this problem? Waht is the logic of mata to evaluate 3 or more condition in the while loop?
Thank you
AbdelRahmen El Lahga

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