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st: RE: error message about Mata memory

From   "Nick Cox" <[email protected]>
To   <[email protected]>
Subject   st: RE: error message about Mata memory
Date   Mon, 23 Oct 2006 22:49:40 +0100

Kit deleted the posting by Shihe Fan to which 
my posting was the reply. Shihe's posting was clearly
about Stata. Despite the name of the thread, Shihe
made a comment picking up something Bobby Gutierrez
said (about -xtmixed-, a Stata command). 

The story with Mata is indeed different and something 
like tracing I presume to be a matter Mata masters 
and mistresses will have on their amenda. In fact, it is 
surely a priority for MataCorp. 

[email protected] 

Kit Baum
> Nick said
> If I understand this correctly, you need to find out
> about -set trace-.
> . set trace on
> sets tracing of commands so that you can see where
> in the code a command failed. Tracing can be tuned
> in various ways.
> I don't know anything about SAS, but if your ideal
> is equivalent to
> error 198;
> at line ... of -foobar-
> -foobar- was called from line ... of -whizzbang-
> -whizzbang- was called from line ... of -bushranger-
> ...
> well, that's another style, and ultimately equivalent
> to Stata's style.

Kit Baum  
> Not quite. If in an ado-file you give the command
> mata: myfunc("arguments")
> and some error arises in myfunc, you just get an abort. You are not  
> told where within myfunc (or where within whatever Mata function  
> myfunc might call) the error occurs in any useful way. The example  
> that provoked this thread included a stack trace through 
> several Mata  
> functions, but the information about where in the ultimate module  
> (xtm_mixed_ll_uu()) the abend occurs is, regrettably, not available.

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