First a simple one... How do I produce a box plot without the whiskers?
Second I have 3 vars that I want the means of in one graph over strata
When I do this at present it groups them in the graph by strata and I want
it grouped by variable.
Sow hen I type "graph bar X Y Z, over(strata)" it looks like
3 bars representing the variables XYZ XYZ XYZ
strata 1 2 3
with the legend containing what the three vars are
I want the graph to look like
3 bars representing high, mid, low strata 123 123 123
Var X Y
And the legend should what the strata are
Any clues??
Lukar Thornton
PhD�Candidate / VicLANES Research Assistant
[email protected]�
Ph: (03) 8344 7389
Mob: 0410 566 848
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