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Re: st: survival analysis: given median survival time � 95% CI, how do es one calculate SE, t, or exact p?

From   "Erick Turner" <[email protected]>
To   [email protected], [email protected], "Erick Turner" <[email protected]>
Subject   Re: st: survival analysis: given median survival time � 95% CI, how do es one calculate SE, t, or exact p?
Date   Sun, 22 Oct 2006 09:32:25 -0700

Unfortunately, that paper assumes you're given the hazard ratio.
The Parmar paper is cited by a paper by Michiels with a promising title involving median survival times, but it also assumes you've moved beyond median survival times and have the hazard ratios. I guess I need something more at the level of the median survival times. 

>>> "Roger Harbord" <[email protected]> 10/22/06 1:44 AM >>>
Sounds like you might find this useful:
Extracting summary statistics to perform meta-analyses of the published 
literature for survival endpoints
Mahesh K. B. Parmar, Valter Torri , Lesley Stewart
Statistics in Medicine 17 (24):2815-2834


Erick Turner wrote:
> Dear Stata users,
> I am working with a report of data analyzed using survival analysis.
> Specifically, the survival probabilities were calculated using the 
> Kaplan-Meier method, and the estimated survival distributions were 
> compared between groups using the log-rank test.
> For each group, they report the N, median survival time, and the 95% 
> CI around the median. (The CIs were not calculated using a simple 1.96 
> x SE, because the upper and lower CI widths are different from one 
> another.)
> They also report exact P values, but only for where they get a value 
> under .05.
> Where the comparison between groups is nonsignificant, they just 
> report "NS".
> My goal is to find the exact P value (which I can get to if I can 
> first get SE or t).
> Would someone know how I can achieve this using Stata or some 
> not-too-difficult formula?
> Thank you.
> Erick

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