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st: Tagging the combination number

From   "Rodrigo Martell" <[email protected]>
To   <[email protected]>
Subject   st: Tagging the combination number
Date   Thu, 19 Oct 2006 13:12:16 +1000

I suspect my last email didn't get through since I can't get it in my outbox and can't find it in the archives. I'm re-sending it hoping it will work this time.
Apologies if it's a duplicate. Thanks.


Hi all,
I'm trying to figure out how to incorporate a combination number when filling out a table. I've attached a little program that I've been using to test what I'm trying to do (the code is part of a bigger program).
Here's my attempt at trying to explain the problem:
Essentially, the program creates log(var) and unique pairwise combinations of log(var i)-log(var j) where i != j.
The program also creates lcol1 to lcolnum60 and lrcolnum1 to lrcolnum60, which are variables that are meant to store a lot of stuff as part of the bigger program.
lcolnum* and lrcolnum* essentially build a table of results. I want to have the names of the log(variables) and combinations of log ratios (log(vari)-log(varj)) in the first column of lcolnum or lrcolnum, i.e. in lcolnum1 and lrcolnum1. Notice that I leave the first two rows blank because other stuff goes in there as part of the bigger program.
The program successfully does this for each log(var) - i.e. lcolnum1 - but the pairwise combinations are a bit trickier. I'm trying to get something that tells me the combination number (I've called it "obsrow") so that I can add 2 to it and fill out lrcolnum1. 
If anyone has any ideas I'd appreciate them shooting them my way.
Here's the code:
capture program drop fillit

capture drop l*

program define fillit

syntax varlist

local nvars : word count `varlist'

forvalues i = 1/60{

qui gen lcolnum`i' = ""


qui replace lcolnum1 = "" in 1

qui replace lcolnum1 = "" in 2

**********4.1B Generate output space for results******

forvalues i = 1/60{

qui gen lrcolnum`i' = ""


qui replace lrcolnum1 = "" in 1

qui replace lrcolnum1 = "" in 2

foreach var of local varlist{

qui gen log_`var'=log(`var')


forvalues i = 1/`nvars'{

local s = `i'+2

qui replace lcolnum1 = "log_``i''" in `s'


******************This part creates unique pairwise combinations of variables in varlist and places the name in the first column********

forvalues i=1/`nvars'{

local ii=`i'+1

forvalues j=`ii'/`nvars'{

gen log_``i''_vs_log_``j''=log(``i'')-log(``j'')

***Here is where my problem comes up. I want obsrow to be the combination number +2 but I can't figure out how to do it. I'd appreciate a hand :=)****

*local obsrow = (combination number)+2

*replace lrcolnum1 = "log_``i''_vs_log_``j''" in `obsrow'




Rodrigo Martell

Frontier Economics Pty. Ltd.
395 Collins Street
Melbourne VIC 3000

+61 (0)3 9620 4488
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