Two questions on inputting data
1) Working with accounting data from companies, the data consists of
financial statements that �overlap�, e.g. company publishes in IFRS
standards for 2005 and 2004, and has old local GAAP for 2004, 2003, 2002 and
all the years before. (the two series are separate).
As I�m working with percentage changes from one year to the other this is
not really a problem, i.e. calculating the percentage changes within each
series in Excel, (i.e. using the change from 2004 IFRS to 2005 IFRS as 2005
figure, using the change from 2003GAAP to 2004GAAP as 2004 figure) then
merging them to a consistent time series and the using it as input for
Or is there a possibility so I can manipulate the data this way in Stata?
2) Some annual reports are not ending 31.12. but e.g. 31.03 of the year. The
idea is to fill a monthly variable (1-12) with the same yearly data (it�s
clear to me how to do this), but for the statements ending 31.03, all the
monthly observations would have to moved 3 month forward within the
variable, what would be the smartest way to do this?
Finance Student
University Basel
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