You can potentially do this in a loop using Stata's built-in odbc drivers.
Stat/Transfer would also work, but you'd have to check how it names the
columns that start with a number. I found that when using ODBC these
columns are named F2, F2, F4,...
You would need to get a list of the files you want to import into a local
macro (perhaps using fs or the dir extended macro function). It would
probably be useful if the files were named for the variable they contain or
else you could create a parallel list macro that contains those names. I'll
assume this latter case. I have hard coded 1985 as the starting year but if
it varies across datafiles you would need to create a list to change the
initialization of the local year in the loop. Anyway, here's a first cut:
local files "myfile1.xls myfile2.xls myfile3.xls"
local varnames "myvar1 myvar2 myvar3"
local i=1
foreach file of local files {
odbc load, dsn("Excel Files;DBQ=`file'") table("Sheet1$") dialog(complete)
unab vars: _all
local vars: list vars - firm
local var1: word 1 of `vars'
local vars: list vars - var1
local year=1985
local j=2
foreach var of local vars {
rename F`j++' v`year++'
reshape long v, i(firm) j(year)
local vname: word `i++' of `varnames'
rename v `vname'
sort firm
if `i'==1 save allvars
else merge firm using allvars, _merge(mrg`vname')
Michael Blasnik
----- Original Message -----
To: <>
Sent: Tuesday, October 17, 2006 8:24 AM
Subject: st: Wide to Panel
Hi all,
I have a datafile containing an unabalanced panel of firms for a period of
around 10 years. This file contains data on around five variables. I have
procured additional data on around 15 firm-level variables for these set
firms. However, the problem is that each variable is in a different excel
file and that too in a wide format. I can transfer these files into stata
format using stat transfer. Could anyone please tell me if its possible to
convert these multiple data files into one datafile in the panel format?
Each individual file for a single variable looks like this. There are 15
such files, one for each varible. The numberf of firms is too large and
hence will take a lot of time to do by hand.
FIRM 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993
FIRM1 100 123 124 3001 293 324 512 413
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