Nuno Soares <[email protected]> asked :
I'm trying to make Stata to append several files that are in a given
directory without the need of specifying the name of each one. I was
thinking of doing something like this (using the fs package):
cd "C:\data"
qui fs *
foreach f in `r(files)' {
append using `f'
And Ulrich Kohler <[email protected]>
. fs *.dta
. local firstfile: word 1 of `r(files)'
. use `firstfile', clear
. foreach f in `r(files)' {
. if "`f'" ~= "`firstfile'" append using `f'
. }
- --
Ulrich's solution works, but I thought it was
worth pointing out another approach:
fs *.dta
local getfile "use"
foreach file in `r(files)' {
`getfile' `file'
local getfile "append using "
I often use local macros in this way,
where a different command, or option,
is needed at different stages in a loop.
I can either change the command after the first
run (as here), or when some condition is met.
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