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st: Negative Hausman value?

From   "Pavlos C. Symeou" <[email protected]>
To   <[email protected]>
Subject   st: Negative Hausman value?
Date   Mon, 16 Oct 2006 11:57:53 +0100

Dear Statalisters,

I attempt to compare between FE and RE transformations in Stata using the
hausman command, yet the chi^2 for the test is negative (how can a square be
negative?). I provide below the commands that I use to estimate the models,
store the model's estimates and compare them with hausman. Stata produces a
note with the output which states that the differenced variance matrix does
not equal the number of coefficients being tested. I have noticed that in
the output provided below and used in the calculations of the hausman test,
the yearly dummy "_Iyear_2004" is not included. Please bear in mind that
this yearly dummy is dropped in the initial FE and RE model estimations
because of collinearity.

I hope this helps previous threads to understand why we encounter negative
values in the hausman test.

Your feedback would be appreciated.

xi: xtreg f m lagm m2 lib_fixed lib_mobile t d1-d24 i.year, fe
est store fe
xi: xtreg f m lagm m2 lib_fixed lib_mobile t d1-d24 i.year, re
hausman fe .

Note: the rank of the differenced variance matrix (52) does not equal the
number of coefficients being tested (53); be sure this is what you expect,
or there may be problems computing the test.  Examine the output of your
estimators for anything unexpected and possibly consider scaling your
variables so that the coefficients
are on a similar scale.

---- Coefficients ----
		(b)          	(B)            	(b-B)
		fe           	.          		Difference

m     		4.126995     	4.210606       	-.0836103
lagm    		-3.659119    	-3.719283         .060164
m2    		-.0035987    	-.0037695     	.0001707               .
lib_fixed    	-.7893976    	-.6248966        	-.164501
lib_mobile     	.8347247     .	8552306        	-.020506               .
t     		.1057887     	.0839587          	.02183
d1     		1.591341     1.425241        	.1661004               .
d2      		1.73248     1.566447        	.1660332
d3      		1.33496     1.175148        	.1598117
d4     		1.163786     1.009243       	 .1545424               .
d5     		1.130861     .9795363      	  .1513244               .
d6      		1.53821     1.372196        	.1660132
d7     		1.787398     1.618786        	.1686119               .
d8     		2.030746     1.871618        	.1591281               .
d9     		2.329689     2.175233       	 .1544567               .
d10     		2.474566     2.379384        	.0951821
d11     		2.530941     2.391151        	.1397903
d12     		2.702182     2.548153         	.154029
d13     		3.072654     2.923146       	 .1495087
d14     		3.200262     3.048934        	.1513281
d15     		3.434791     3.299563        	.1352286
d16     		4.161894     4.040091        	 .121803
d17     		4.693086     4.604569       	 .0885171
d18     		4.813464     4.765931       	 .0475332
d19     		4.874817     4.829945        	.0448717
d20     		4.763858     4.696174       	 .0676834
d21     		4.007245     3.914138        	.0931068
d22      		3.38889     3.261472       	 .1274171
d23     		2.073858     1.891516       	 .1823422
d24     		2.133198      1.90412       	 .2290783
_Iyear_1981     .1057826     .1715391      	 -.0657565               .
_Iyear_1982      .429569     .5114474    	 	  -.0818784
_Iyear_1983      .779513     .8763522    		   -.0968392
_Iyear_1984     1.270724     1.382196     	  -.1114715               .
_Iyear_1985     1.598364     1.731791      	 -.1334276               .
_Iyear_1986     1.724753      1.88993      	 -.1651769               .
_Iyear_1987     2.117019     2.295973      	 -.1789541               .
_Iyear_1988     2.463715     2.660981       	-.1972662               .
_Iyear_1989     2.808268     3.025018        	 -.21675               .
_Iyear_1990     3.237237     3.452751      	 -.2155147               .
_Iyear_1991     3.653473     3.891927       	-.2384541               .
_Iyear_1992     4.006215     4.272213     	  -.2659985               .
_Iyear_1993     4.307211     4.585079      	 -.2778678               .
_Iyear_1994     4.561733     4.852067      	 -.2903343               .
_Iyear_1995     4.596097     4.878367     	  -.2822704               .
_Iyear_1996     4.680343     4.956875      	 -.2765316               .
_Iyear_1997     4.754712     4.997591      	  -.242879               .
_Iyear_1998     4.427386       4.6229        	-.195514               .
_Iyear_1999     3.808497      3.95841       	-.1499126               .
_Iyear_2000     3.243333     3.354241       	 -.110908               .
_Iyear_2001     2.610181     2.692871      	 -.0826899               .
_Iyear_2002     1.963031     2.033931     	  -.0708998               .
_Iyear_2003     1.108533      1.15696       	-.0484275               .

b = consistent under Ho and Ha; obtained from xtreg
B = inconsistent under Ha, efficient under Ho; obtained from xtreg

Test:  Ho:  difference in coefficients not systematic

chi2(52) = (b-B)'[(V_b-V_B)^(-1)](b-B) =   -30.11
chi2<0 ==> model fitted on these data fails to meet the asymptotic
assumptions of the Hausman test; see suest for a generalized test

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