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st: -mfx-

From   Nishant Dass <[email protected]>
To   STATA Help <[email protected]>
Subject   st: -mfx-
Date   Sun, 15 Oct 2006 07:59:39 -0700 (PDT)

Dear list-members,

I have received the following error with -mfx- after
estimating an -mlogit- model:

. mfx c, predict(p) var(dummym1m3) nose
too few variables specified 
nvgc has 3 outcomes and so you must specify 3 new
variables, or you can use the outcome() option and specify
variables one at a time

. mfx c, predict(p) var(dummym1m3) outcome(2) nose
option outcome() not allowed

So, first it suggests me to use "outcome" and when I use
it, it gives an error.  Any suggestions on how I could
rectify this.  

(I instead tried using -margeff- with "percent" option:
. margeff c, model(mlogit) outcome(2) percent replace
but wasn't sure if the figures under "Coef." column are %
indeed - they seemed too large/small to be %.)  

Your suggestions would be very helpful.  



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