Dear STATA users, I began to use STATA two months ago and now I am trying to use
gologit2. It seems very flexible and moreover very helpful for my research.
I estimated a generalized ordered logit and it seems ok, but I'm not able to find a way
to set my favourite baseline for the response variable (something like baseoutcome()
for mlogit).
It is reasonable to change it or there is some methodological aspect that I'm ignoring?
If it is reasonable, how can I change the default reference level for the outcome
Any help will be really appreciated,
Thanks, Daria
Daria Mendola
Ricercatrice in Statistica Sociale
Dipartimento di Metodi Quantitativi per le Scienze Umane
Universitࠤi Palermo
Viale delle Scienze, ed. 13
90128 Palermo
tel. 39 091 6626303
fax 39 091 426452
L'uomo puo' credere all'impossibile, ma non credera' mai all'improbabile. (Oscar
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