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RE: st: Attachments: NO! NO! NO!

From   "Nick Cox" <[email protected]>
To   <[email protected]>
Subject   RE: st: Attachments: NO! NO! NO!
Date   Fri, 6 Oct 2006 17:22:35 +0100

Marcello Pagano is the list moderator and he, or 
rather the technical people who do the nitty-gritty
at HSPH, know more about this than I do. He is currently
in Italy for the Italian users' meeting and
not I believe following the list. 

In essence, I believe the answer is that the 
majordomo software used to handle the list catches
many inappropriate postings but -- clearly -- not all. 

As no one chiefly concerned with the list is a majordomo
expert, we cannot add any explanation to that. 

No doubt many people will want to write in pointing 
out that there is much better software to run lists, 
etc., etc. and even that the rule against attachments
is antiquated, etc., etc. and no doubt they will be 
correct, at least in part. 

One brute fact, however, is that the operation of Statalist 
by people at HSPH depends _entirely_ on their donation of time and 
goodwill. Also, anyone considering that the list is 
automated ought to consider whether they have written
to Marcello with some question. Probably some tens or even 
hundreds of you have done that during your time on the list. 
Finally, anyone suggesting another way to do it might also reflect 
on whether they would be willing to donate the time and goodwill
not only to set it up in that other way but also to maintain it. 

[email protected] 

Steffen Hokland
> Shouldn't it be easy to simply disallow and filter out mails with  
> attachments at the listserver?

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