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st: RE: Tab command still showing old variable names after "rename" command

From   "Nick Cox" <[email protected]>
To   <[email protected]>
Subject   st: RE: Tab command still showing old variable names after "rename" command
Date   Wed, 4 Oct 2006 18:24:45 +0100

This is not very explicit and you give no examples. However, 
when I -tabulate-, I see variable labels, not variable names. 
Perhaps your variable labels are the same as the old 
variable names. Sounds unlikely, but if it is not the 
explanation, then we probably need to see exact commands and output, 
not a story 
(especially if your tabulations don't involve -tabulate-). 

[email protected] 

> I renamed a series of variables, and the new names are showing up on
> the variable list bar on the left side of the screen.  However, when I
> tabulate the variables, the old name, rather than the new name, still
> show up in the results.
> Does anyone know what is going on?

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