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st: RE: Problem with "reshape"

From   "White, Justin" <>
To   <>
Subject   st: RE: Problem with "reshape"
Date   Wed, 4 Oct 2006 11:47:22 -0400

Try the 'stack' command

Justin White

-----Original Message-----
[] On Behalf Of Riano,
Sent: Wednesday, October 04, 2006 11:43 AM
Subject: st: Problem with "reshape"

Dear all, 

I have a wide dataset organized as follows

date  code1_varx     code1_vary   code2_varx  code2_vary
1990        10            20           10          30
1991        10            20           10          30

Where:  code1- code300 identify individuals and varx vary are the
varnames (I have 9 variables). 

What I want is a long dataset that looks like this

date   code   varx   vary
1990    1       10      20
1991    1       10      20
1990    2       10      30
1991    2       10      30

Using the reshape command hasn't worked for me so far because the stub
that identifies the name of the variable is at the end of it: 
no xij variables found r(111);

I also tried to transpose the data using the "xpose" command to
manipulate the names but when you use "xpose" twice the string variables
are dropped,,,

I would really appreciate any suggestion on how to proceed,,,

Thank you very much, 

Juanita Riano


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