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st: Rosenbaum bounds
Dear all,
I'm using rbounds in Stata to estimate Rosenbaum bounds. I'm having trouble
interpreting the results and I'm wondering if anyone could help me on this.
The outputs I'm getting are:
Rosenbaum bounds for delta (N = 124 matched pairs)
Gamma sig+ sig- t-hat+ t-hat- CI+ CI-
1 .024276 .024276 -.989259 -.989259 -1.99563 -.010508
1.05 .013593 .041164 -1.09486 -.871538 -2.11529 .114061
1.1 .007438 .065004 -1.23337 -.754544 -2.23221 .223098
1.15 .003988 .096542 -1.34225 -.659663 -2.33022 .363695
1.2 .0021 .135973 -1.4584 -.572131 -2.43786 .475387
1.25 .001088 .182883 -1.55182 -.477338 -2.53495 .591911
1.3 .000556 .236304 -1.64733 -.395234 -2.64671 .70233
1.35 .00028 .294825 -1.72267 -.30371 -2.74657 .803875
1.4 .00014 .35676 -1.80649 -.200846 -2.84001 .913011
1.45 .000069 .420317 -1.88641 -.118181 -2.93458 1.00083
1.5 .000034 .483759 -1.97703 -.026009 -3.02697 1.07932
1.55 .000016 .545528 -2.05637 .058753 -3.10961 1.15946
1.6 7.8e-06 .604328 -2.13758 .123807 -3.19796 1.24323
1.65 3.7e-06 .659171 -2.20982 .200346 -3.27974 1.31663
Rosenbaum bounds for delta5 (N = 124 matched pairs)
Gamma sig+ sig- t-hat+ t-hat- CI+ CI-
1 .15746 .15746 .16711 .16711 -.207092 .559691
1.05 .220799 .107302 .127509 .207875 -.26072 .59591
1.1 .29273 .071221 .08576 .248338 -.302407 .634022
1.15 .370097 .046167 .058032 .301428 -.342646 .667442
1.2 .449461 .029296 .019351 .351714 -.37594 .708266
1.25 .527562 .018239 -.015399 .393774 -.414271 .747596
1.3 .601658 .01116 -.053361 .434011 -.447165 .792062
1.35 .669711 .006724 -.087199 .46632 -.489421 .846049
1.4 .730438 .003994 -.127532 .503433 -.516807 .88467
1.45 .783248 .002343 -.161377 .525761 -.557254 .923198
1.5 .828124 .001358 -.200148 .555109 -.583892 .950405
1.55 .865472 .000779 -.235254 .575835 -.625121 .975681
1.6 .895976 .000443 -.266339 .603737 -.655814 1.00472
1.65 .920469 .000249 -.295253 .626526 -.704532 1.02704
* gamma - log odds of differential assignment due to unobserved factors
sig+ - upper bound significance level
sig- - lower bound significance level
t-hat+ - upper bound Hodges-Lehmann point estimate
t-hat- - lower bound Hodges-Lehmann point estimate
CI+ - upper bound confidence interval (a= .95)
CI- - lower bound confidence interval (a= .95)
Andreas Drichoutis
* For searches and help try:
* http://www.stata.com/support/faqs/res/findit.html
* http://www.stata.com/support/statalist/faq
* http://www.ats.ucla.edu/stat/stata/