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[no subject]

Keep in mind that what you've displayed is an unbalanced dataset.  And that
some of the of contrasts you're after (if I followed your description
correctly) would involve Satterthwaite weighting of between and within

Have you considered forgoing ANOVA and just use Student's t-test  for the
specific comparisons of interest?

Type -help ttest- for syntax for paired and independent samples.
Alternatives could be the Mann-Whitney U / Wilcoxon rank-sum (-ranksum-) and
Wilcoxon sign-rank(-signrank-) tests.

Joseph Coveney

set more off
input time      id    control    score
1         1      1            5
1         2      1            6
1         3      1            5
1         1      2            3
1         2      2            4
2         1      1            7
2         2      1            8
2         3      1            5
2         1      2            2
2         2      2            10
replace id = control * 10 + id
order control id time
sort control id time
list, noobs sepby(control)
anova score control / id|control time time*control, repeated(time)
wsanova score time, id(id) between(control) epsilon

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