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Re: st: list output to file

From   "jean ries" <>
Subject   Re: st: list output to file
Date   Wed, 4 Oct 2006 13:21:57 +0200


As far as I know, Gnuplot can read tab- and comma-separated text
files, which can be produced by Stata's -outsheet- command.

Hope this helps.


On 10/4/06, Steffen Hokland <> wrote:
I'm trying to output the result of a 'list'-command:

       list Heat_time TGT5 if Temp == 40.5 & OXi == 1 & TGT5 != ., noobs
clean noheader

to a file:

       file open regression using regression_test.dat, write text

using the

       file write regression <something-appropriate-pertaining-to-the-list-

command (because I want to use Gnuplot to plot my data, albeit it's
probably not comme ille faut on this list). Obviously it can be done
using a log-file, however I'd like to be able to direct the output to
a specified file.

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