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st: RE: help files and version 8.2
This looks like Stata 9 SMCL. On occasion
in the past StataCorp have added SMCL elements
in version x that were not documented in the
manual for version x, but in this instance I believe
Stata 9 is needed to render this as desired.
Thus your user(s) with version 8.2 can solve this
only by upgrading to Stata 9. You can solve
this only by back-translating to older SMCL.
I don't believe version control applies to SMCL
but in any case version control never allows
an earlier Stata to act as a time machine and
become aware of the features of a later Stata.
This precognition to limited to senior developers
at StataCorp.
[email protected]
Adrian Mander
> It has come to light that the following text in a help file isn't
> interpretted by Stata8.2
> {synoptset 22 tabbed}{synopthdr}
> {synoptline}
> {syntab:Main}
> {synopt:color(colorstylelist)} specifies the two colours for the two
> separate range areas.{p_end}
> {synopt:add} specifies that markers are plotted in addition to the
> range plots.{p_end}
> {synopt:twoway_options} specifies additional options in the
> graphic.{p_end}
> {synoptline}
> Is there a solution with version and help files?
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