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Re: st: second tmap question

From   Maurizio Pisati <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   Re: st: second tmap question
Date   Mon, 02 Oct 2006 23:25:30 +0200

Dear Scott,
unless I'm missing something, you forgot to specify option -clm(custom)- (default if -clm(quantile)-).

At 23.02 02/10/2006, you wrote:

I'm having some trouble forcing -tmap- to create a certain number of
classes for my variable of interest, sr. Because I am creating two
maps - one for blacks and one for whites - I want the legend and the
corresponding map to use the same number of classes, and the same
class ranges. So, for instance, I'd like for the map to use 7
different colors depending on whether sr falls within these 6 bands:

[0 75] [75 90] [92 100] [100 108] [108 120] [120 200]

. tmap choropleth sr if id!=13 & id!=56, id(id) map(uscoord.dta)
palette(Blues) title(`"`"Black 18-24 year-old Americans"'"') subtitle ("Ratio of Females-to-Males")legpos(5) legtitle("Sex Ratio") addplot (label STATE if id!=13 & id!=56, x(LON) y(LAT) ls(0.75)) clbreaks(0
75 92 100 108 120 200) clnumber(6)

The output for the map does not do what I intended, though. The
legend shows 6 classes, but the ranges are:

[18.94 87.72] [87.72 106.03] [106.03 115.94] [115.94 120.05] [120.05
124.48] [124.48 178.02]

Is something wrong my syntax? I'm reading over the user guide here,
and the only thing else I could do would be to specify -clmethod (unique)-. Yet, when I do this, I get an error telling me "sr has
too many values".

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