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RE: st: RE: Summary Statistics and Xtabond

From   "Asiedu, Elizabeth" <[email protected]>
To   <[email protected]>
Subject   RE: st: RE: Summary Statistics and Xtabond
Date   Mon, 2 Oct 2006 05:32:59 -0500

Thanks for the prompt response. The e(sample) worked. My second question is this:
how do I get the list of countries included in the  estimations, since for example countries with one observation (in my original dataset) are dropped due to differencing and/or the inclusion of lags.

On 10/2/06, Maarten Buis <[email protected]> wrote: 

	The cases used in your regression are marked by e(sample),
	so if you type -sum polrisklag gdpcapgr if e(sample) - you 
	will get the summary statistics using the same sample as in
	your regression. You must do this after your regression,
	since it is the regression command that makes the e(sample).
	Maarten L. Buis
	Department of Social Research Methodology
	Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam
	Boelelaan 1081
	1081 HV Amsterdam
	The Netherlands
	visiting adress:
	Buitenveldertselaan 3 (Metropolitan), room Z434 
	+31 20 5986715
	-----Original Message-----
	From: [email protected] [mailto: [email protected] <mailto:[email protected]> ]On Behalf Of Asiedu, Elizabeth
	Sent: maandag 2 oktober 2006 11:40
	To: [email protected]
	Subject: st: Summary Statistics and Xtabond
	I'm using the xtabond command and would like to have the summary statistics (mean max min) of the variables included in the estimations. The "estat summarize" command reports the summary statistics of the differenced variables  (please see output below). I have two questions: 
	(1) How do I obtain the summary statistics for the actual variables (e.g., polrisklag, gdpcapgr..)
	(2) Is it possible to get the data for the sample used in the regressions? I'm using an unbalanced panel data and therefore countries with one observation are dropped. How do I get the list of countries included in the estimations? 
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