I habitually put -exit- in the last line of your do-files. This prevents
me from forgetting a carriage return behind the last "important" command,
and allows me to expand a little bit on the contents of the do-file
behind -exit-. Here is an example:
version 9.2
capture log close
log using xyz, replace
use xyz, replace
tab myvar
This is just a silly example to show how -exit- might be used. Some not so
silly examples can be found in the book "Data Analysis Using Stata".
many regards
> You might be missing a carriage return, line feed, or some combination
> of these at the end of your do file. Try putting in one more
> extraneous command (e.g. -ds-), or hit Enter a few times, at the end
> of the file.
> On 9/21/06, Rachel S <academicgirl@gmail.com> wrote:
>> I have a do file with the following nested loop structure
>> forvalues num=1/3 {
>> foreach suf in AA BB CC {
>> gen phonepref`num'`suf' = phone`suf' * pref`num'`suf'
>> }
>> }
>> When I run the do file, it gives me an "unexpected end" error and, in
>> printing out the for loop, doesn't see the last curly bracket. On the
>> other hand, it works fine when I paste it into the command box.
* For searches and help try:
* http://www.stata.com/support/faqs/res/findit.html
* http://www.stata.com/support/statalist/faq
* http://www.ats.ucla.edu/stat/stata/