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st: How can I make a graphic of regression results using only significant effects?

From   "Alvaro Zevallos" <[email protected]>
To   <[email protected]>
Subject   st: How can I make a graphic of regression results using only significant effects?
Date   Fri, 15 Sep 2006 20:46:02 -0500

Hi All,

I am working in a model that uses an interaction between two dummies variables. The command that I am using is:

-- xi3: reg Y i.dummy1*dummy2 X

and the results are

dummy1 (Significant)
dummy2 (Significant)
dummy1* dummy2 (Not significant)
X (Whatever)

Then, I use the - postgr3 - command for make a graphic of the results but Stata shows me a figure that consider the not significant effect (the interaction). How can I avoid that Stata considers this effect? I read the help file but I don't see an option for that

Thanks a lot!

Alvaro Z.

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