> My apologies for the personal note. I knew someday I would make
> that mistake...
I'll answer nonetheless.
> Given that -listcoef- has done all
> the heaving lifting, couldn't one just modify it with an rclass
> designation, and stick -return scalar- (or matrix) at the end of the
> code?
This is already done. -listcoef- has a -matrix- option. If
specified, the results are returned in r() as matrices.
. sysuse auto, clear
(1978 Automobile Data)
. qui logit foreign price weight
. listcoef, matrix
logit (N=74): Factor Change in Odds
Odds of: Foreign vs Domestic
foreign | b z P>|z| e^b e^bStdX SDofX
price | 0.00093 3.100 0.002 1.0009 15.5156 2949.4959
weight | -0.00588 -3.461 0.001 0.9941 0.0104 777.1936
. return list
r(pvalue) = 1
r(cmd) : "logit"
r(b_facts) : 1 x 2
r(b_fact) : 1 x 2
r(b_sdx) : 1 x 2
r(b_z) : 1 x 2
r(b_p) : 1 x 2
r(b) : 1 x 2
. matrix list r(b_sdx)
price weight
SDofX 2949.4959 777.19357
. matrix list r(b_facts)
price weight
e^bStdX 15.51555 .01037077
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