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st: -listcoef- and returning results

From   Mike Lacy <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   st: -listcoef- and returning results
Date   Thu, 14 Sep 2006 11:56:21 -0600

At 12:33 AM 9/14/2006, you wrote:
Date: Wed, 13 Sep 2006 15:57:04 -0500
From: Richard Williams <[email protected]>
Subject: Re: st: logistic regression and outreg: how to display standardized factor change

I'll add that Long & Freese's listcoef does not return or ereturn its
results. Ergo, you will have to program the calculations
yourself. fitstat does return the estimated variance of y*, which is
needed for some of the standardizations done by listcoef.
Hi Rich,

I'm reluctant to post here where I am somewhat ignorant, but here's a thought that could be passed on: Given that -listcoef- has done all the heaving lifting, couldn't one just modify it with an rclass designation, and stick -return scalar- (or matrix) at the end of the code? This of interest to me because I am doing a bunch of work on logreg models for student retention, and I'm wanting to do lots of standardized comparisons (on y) so as to have meaningful comparisons of effects across models?

Incidentally, I am starting to look toward the MSS/N. Central meetings in Chicago next spring, and hoping to have a good quant methods session. (I'm not organizing, but trying to help out.) If you and/or any students might be interested, that would be good.

Just got a email recently from Matt Larner, referred by Mike Davern, because Matt had moved to Colorado and was looking for professional work. I think we found some good leads for him, at least I hope so. He looked like a competent guy.

Regards- Mike

Mike Lacy, Assoc. Prof.
Soc. Dept., Colo. State. Univ.
Fort Collins CO 80523 USA

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