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Re: st: using reshape

From   [email protected]
To   [email protected]
Subject   Re: st: using reshape
Date   Tue, 12 Sep 2006 12:52:08 -0400


Thanks again for your suggestions.

You're right that I could create a set of -drop- statements to remove all 
null records (where all reshaped variables are missing) so that -reshape- 
would create the unbalanced data set I need.  Despite my general aversion 
to using SPSS, I took a look at their version of -reshape-, called 
-restructure-.  There is a handy option to drop all null records, which 
easily creates unbalanced data sets.  It would be nice if Stata's 
-reshape- command had such an option.  Given the likelihood of adding new 
variables as the data analysis progresses, I will likely use SPSS to 
reshape my data.

Mike Frone

Michael R. Frone, Ph.D.
Senior Research Scientist
Research Institute on Addictions
State University of New York at Buffalo
1021 Main Street
Buffalo, New York 14203

Office:    716-887-2519
Fax:        716-887-2477
E-mail:     [email protected]

"Svend Juul" <[email protected]> 
Sent by: [email protected]
09/12/2006 04:22 AM
Please respond to
[email protected]

<[email protected]>

Re: st: using reshape

Mike Frone wrote:

I obtained data in this form:
respnum_  injnum   finalwt2  gender  ir1  ir2  ir3_  ir4_1_
354            1  16151.351    male  yes    2    no      no
354            2  16151.351    male  yes    2   yes      no
354            3  16151.351    male  yes    2     .       .
354            4  16151.351    male  yes    2     .       .
354            5  16151.351    male  yes    2     .       .
However, because this person only experienced 2 injuries, I wanted the 
data in this form:
respnum_  injnum   finalwt2  gender  ir1  ir2   ir3_  ir4_1_
354            1  16151.351    male  yes    2     no      no
354            2  16151.351    male  yes    2    yes      no
How can I keep the number of records for a given respondent equal to the

number of injuries experienced?
I responded:
Assuming that ir3_ and ir4_1_ are 0/1 numeric variables, no/yes being
value labels:
   drop if ir3==0 & ir4_1_==0

- but this was nonsense; it should have been:

   drop if ir3 >= . & ir4_1_ >= .

Mike responded to my nonsense suggestion 

Thanks for your response.  Unfortunately, as I noted, this was a partial

record for one case.  There are many other injury characteristics. 
Moreover, a respondent may have from 1 to 5 injury event, so the number
records within each value of respnum_ can range from 1 to 5.  So a
drop is unlikely to resolve the problem.

I guess that you can identify "empty" observations, i.e. observations
not representing an injury, by one or more variables having a missing
value. That is the aim of 
   drop if ir3 >= . & ir4_1_ >= .


Svend Juul
Institut for Folkesundhed, Afdeling for Epidemiologi
(Institute of Public Health, Department of Epidemiology)
Vennelyst Boulevard 6
DK-8000  Aarhus C, Denmark
Phone: +45 8942 6090
Home:  +45 8693 7796
Email: [email protected]

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