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st: calculating chage in R^2

From   [email protected]
To   [email protected]
Subject   st: calculating chage in R^2
Date   Tue, 12 Sep 2006 12:46:43 -0400 (EDT)

Hi All,
I need to run a hierarchical regression (below), but my office is using
STATA 7 and I understand that there is no such command in this version of
STATA.   So, I simply entered my DV followed by the two covariates and
then by the IV, hoping that this would give me the effect above and beyond
the covariates.  I did not get a change in R^2 and was wondering how to
calculate one.

. svyreg   mj_mo bio_sex age  fac_rel
Survey linear regression
pweight:  gswgt1                            Number of obs    =      3392
Strata:   region                            Number of strata =         4
PSU:      psuscid                           Number of PSUs   =       105
                                            Population size  = 2740466.3
                                            F(   3,     99)  =     25.46
                                            Prob > F         =    0.0000
                                            R-squared        =    0.0585
mj_mo |      Coef.    Std. Err.      t    P>|t|    [95% Conf. Interval]
bio_sex |   47.85794    21.18881     2.26   0.026    5.825039    89.89084
    age |  -35.01575    9.535085    -3.67   0.000    -53.9308   -16.10071
fac_rel |  -76.24912    12.70049    -6.00   0.000   -101.4435   -51.05477
  _cons |   1231.302    158.4534     7.77   0.000    916.9729    1545.631

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