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Re: st: RE: extract rows from panel dataset

From   "Tom Boonen" <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   Re: st: RE: extract rows from panel dataset
Date   Sun, 10 Sep 2006 17:17:31 -0400

Thanks a lot Scott. This looks like a neat solution. What I mean with
not using if referred to the if in: syntax varlist [if] not if in

The solution I came up with by my own uses a nexted fourloop to get
the sample delimiter:

/* Second define subsample for pred treated */
 qui gen `foo' = 0
 foreach num of local units {
  foreach tum of local timex {
   qui replace `foo' = 1 if `pvar' == `num' & `tvar' == `tum'

But it's obviously less elegant than yours. I didn't know the inlist
command. Thanks a lot for your help.


On 9/10/06, Scott Merryman <[email protected]> wrote:
I don't understand why you cannot use -if- restrictions and what timex,
timey, and timez represent; however, at least in the simpler example this
seems to accomplish the task:

program foo , rclase
  version 9.2
  syntax varlist(ts min=2 numeric) , Timex(numlist >=0 integer)
Units(numlist integer)
  qui tsset
  local tvar `r(timevar)'
  local pvar "`r(panelvar)'"
  local tx: subinstr local timex " " ",", all
  local u: subinstr local units " " ",", all
  tempvar yx foo
  gen `foo' = 1 if  inlist(`tvar',`tx') & inlist(`pvar', `u')
  qui mkmat `pvar' `tvar' `varlist' if `foo' == 1, matrix(`yx')
  matrix list `yx'

Which results in:

. webuse invest2,clear

. tsset com time
       panel variable:  company (strongly balanced)
        time variable:  time, 1 to 20

. foo invest market stock, timex(3 6 7 9) units(1 2 4)
(88 missing values generated)

       company       time     invest     market      stock
 r1          1          3  410.60001  5387.1001  156.89999
 r2          1          6  461.20001  4643.8999      207.2
 r3          1          7        512  4551.2002      255.2
 r4          1          9  499.60001     4053.7  264.10001
 r5          2          3  66.260002  883.90002  34.700001
 r6          2          6  69.410004  727.79999  67.099998
 r7          2          7  68.349998  643.59998  75.199997
 r8          2          9  47.400002  588.40002  67.099998
 r9          4          3  35.049999        729  7.4000001
r10          4          6      28.57      628.5       26.5
r11          4          7  48.509998  537.09998  36.200001
r12          4          9      37.02  617.20001  84.400002


> -----Original Message-----
> From: [email protected] [mailto:owner-
> [email protected]] On Behalf Of Tom Boonen
> Sent: Sunday, September 10, 2006 9:25 AM
> To: [email protected]
> Subject: st: extract rows from panel dataset
> Now my question: How can I extract from the varlist (i.e. the matrix
> YX) only those rows that the user specified in timex() and units().

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