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st: xtfisher vs pescadf results
Dear Stata users,
I am confused. I am trying to run a panel unit root test and I am getting
different results from xtfisher and pescadf. Why is that? I am attaching an
output below that compares the two.
Can somebody point me to the potential mistake? I need to run panel unit
root test that allows for cross sectional dependence, thus pescadf would be
my choice, but I am not understanding the output correctly it seems.
thank you,
webuse grunfeld,clear
pescadf invest, trend lag(1)
Pesaran's CADF test for invest
Cross-sectional average in first period extracted and extreme t-values
Deterministics chosen: constant & trend
t-bar test, N,T = (10,20) Obs = 180
Augmented by 1 lags (average)
t-bar cv10 cv5 cv1 Z[t-bar] P-value
-2.203 -2.740 -2.880 -3.150 0.241 0.595
xtfisher invest, trend lag(1)
Fisher Test for panel unit root using an augmented Dickey-Fuller test (1
Ho: unit root
chi2(20) = 55.2784
Prob > chi2 = 0.0000
*** based on this output I would accept unit root under xtfisher but reject
under pescadf
pescadf invest, lag(1)
Pesaran's CADF test for invest
Cross-sectional average in first period extracted and extreme t-values
Deterministics chosen: constant
t-bar test, N,T = (10,20) Obs = 180
Augmented by 1 lags (average)
t-bar cv10 cv5 cv1 Z[t-bar] P-value
-2.242 -2.210 -2.340 -2.600 -1.572 0.058
xtfisher invest, lag(1)
Fisher Test for panel unit root using an augmented Dickey-Fuller test (1
Ho: unit root
chi2(20) = 13.8730
Prob > chi2 = 0.8369
*** based on this output I would accept unit root under pescadf but reject
under xtfisher
whats going on? I used also the nodemean with pescadf, but the results were
the same.
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