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st: Re: foreach program
I've been reading this thread and don't understand why you need to loop at
all or generate the grouping variable. Wouldn't it make more sense to use a
collapse and a reshape?
keep if inrange(age,15,19)
gen byte groupqtrs=(gqtyped==200)
collapse (sum) perwt, by(fip race sex groupqtrs)
reshape wide perwt, i(fip race sex) j(groupqtrs)
gen totpersons=perwt0+perwt1
gen ir=perwt1/totpersons
This approach seems easier and faster and gives you a dataset of results
You could take the results and merge them back into the main dataset if you
want, but I don't even think that is necessary.
Michael Blasnik
[email protected]
----- Original Message -----
From: "Scott Cunningham" <[email protected]>
To: <[email protected]>
Sent: Friday, September 08, 2006 10:47 AM
Subject: st: foreach program
egen group=group(fip race sex)
su group, meanonly
foreach i of num 1/`r(max)' {
gen i=perwt if age>=15 & age<=19 & group==`i' & gqtyped==200
gen p=perwt if age>=15 & age<=19 & group==`i'
egen itot=sum(i)
egen ptot=sum(p)
replace ir_level=itot if age==15 & group==`i'
replace pop_level=ptot if age==15 & group==`i' replace ir=itot/ptot if
age==15 & group==`i'
drop i p itot ptot
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