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Re: st: foreach program
On Sep 8, 2006, at 11:30 AM, Nick Cox wrote:
Also, you are not consistent about what -age-s
you are working with.
You're referring to the last three lines of this original code, right?
foreach i of num 1/`r(max)' {
gen i=perwt if age>=15 & age<=19 & group==`i' & gqtyped==200
gen p=perwt if age>=15 & age<=19 & group==`i'
egen itot=sum(i)
egen ptot=sum(p)
replace ir_level=itot if age==15 & group==`i'
replace pop_level=ptot if age==15 & group==`i'
replace ir=itot/ptot if age==15 & group==`i'
drop i p itot ptot
I only record the "ir," "pop_level," and "ir_level" values for
age==15 because I am merging these data with a data set on health
outcomes, where health outcomes are delineated by an age variable
that is in groupings of five year increments. So, there is a value
of "15" for the "age" variable in this separate dataset. I record
only values for the age==15 to save space, since I will later be
dropping all observations not equal to 15, 20, 25, and so on.
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