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Re: st: Tabulate with codes *and* value labels?

From   Fred Wolfe <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   Re: st: Tabulate with codes *and* value labels?
Date   Fri, 08 Sep 2006 09:09:54 -0500

Jeroen Weesie's 200 program -tabl- does that. I use it all the time.

. tab eth

                    Ethnic origin |      Freq.     Percent        Cum.
    White, not of hispanic origin |    130,508       90.93       90.93
    Black, not of hispanic origin |      5,854        4.08       95.01
        Asian or Pacific Islander |      1,418        0.99       96.00
American Indian or Alaskan Native |      1,380        0.96       96.96
                         Hispanic |      3,751        2.61       99.57
                            Other |        614        0.43      100.00
                            Total |    143,525      100.00

. tabl eth

ethorig (Ethnic origin)               code  |   Freq    Percent
    White, not of hispanic origin       1   | 130508      90.93
    Black, not of hispanic origin       2   |   5854       4.08
        Asian or Pacific Islander       3   |   1418       0.99
American Indian or Alaskan Native       4   |   1380       0.96
                         Hispanic       5   |   3751       2.61
                            Other       7   |    614       0.43
                  <missing value>       .   |   1319
                                    Total   | 144844     100.00


At 08:44 AM 9/8/2006, you wrote

I often find I would like a simple oneway tabulation that shows both the numeric codes and the labels for a variable, not just or the other. This is quite useful before and after a recode, for example. I'm thinking of something like the following mocked-up trivial example, in which 0 and 1 as well as "foreign" and "domestic" show up in the tabulation:

Car type | Freq. Percent
Domestic 0 | 52 70.27
Foreign 1 | 22 29.73
Total | 74 100.00

For some time I was convinced an answer to this question must lie somewhere in the archives, but I must not have hit the right combination of keywords if it is. Since I gather there is no built-in solution, could someone at least sketch how to make a program to obtain the value label associated with a given variable, and display that info. in a nice way?


Mike Lacy
Fort Collins CO USA
(970) 491-6721 office

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Fred Wolfe
National Data Bank for Rheumatic Diseases
Wichita, Kansas
Tel +1 316 263 2125
[email protected]

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