Sorry, but what results are you talking about?
What are 70,000 110,000 etc.?
Also, you should be able to translate this easily
into an example with a standard dataset accessible
to all Stata users.
Christer Thrane
> I wish to calculate gender wage ratioes for different levels
> of education,
> hopefully in a less cumbersomeway than below
> sort educ
> by educ: oneway wage gender, t
> and then for each level of educ type:
> dis 70,000/110,000
> dis 85,000/140,000
> and so on...
> The main problem is that I have to get the results from the
> one-way anovas
> first, and then use the results from these in the later -dis-
> calculations.
> Is there a simple way to do this in one operation so that I
> can run the
> whole do-file without stopping?
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