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Re: st: Label problem - fdasave
Thanks, Phil.
At 09:01 AM 9/7/2006, Philip Ryan wrote:
I think this curiosity has apeared on the list before. It's easy to
. sysuse auto
. label dir
. d foreign
storage display value
variable name type format label variable label
foreign byte %8.0g origin Car type
. label drop origin
. label dir
. d foreign
storage display value
variable name type format label variable label
foreign byte %8.0g origin Car type
to get rid of it:
. label values foreign
. des foreign
storage display value
variable name type format label variable label
foreign byte %8.0g Car type
I don't know if this constitutes a feature or a bug. It sort of reminds me of
being in a restaurant, ordering the fish _on the menu_ and then being told the
kitchen has run out of fish.
Quoting Fred Wolfe <[email protected]>:
> Using Stata 9.2, up to date, I am trying to convert a series of dta files
> to SAS format.
> After running for a while my program exits with the following error:
> "value label sex not found"
> When I examine the data I find the following:
> . des sex
> storage display value
> variable name type format label variable label
> sex byte %12.0g sex Sex
> . unlabeled
> | Value
> Variable | Label #values unlabeled values
> questid | questid 3
> sex | sex 2 0 1
> ethnic1 | ethnic 5
> metcriteria | yesno 2
> pcscard | yesno 0
> edlevel | edlevel 16
> marital | marital 7
> edcat | edcode2 5
> . tab sex
> Sex | Freq. Percent Cum.
> ------------+-----------------------------------
> 0 | 1,570 77.61 77.61
> 1 | 453 22.39 100.00
> ------------+-----------------------------------
> Total | 2,023 100.00
> . label drop sex
> value label sex not found
> r(111);
> So, -describe- finds the label, but no other program does. Also, I can't
> delete the non-existent label.
> I don't know how the label got this way (sorry), for it usually shows:
> . ndbuse fixed
> (Survey Fixed Table version of 19 Aug 2006)
> . label list sex
> sex:
> 0 Female
> 1 Male
> My question is this. While it is a small matter to relabel the variable, in
> the program I am running I have >1,000 variables so I would like to fix or
> bypass the problem under program control. Generically, how to I get rid of
> a value label (that doesn't exist) such as this? Is my problem a bug or a
> feature?
> Thanks,
> Fred
> Fred Wolfe
> National Data Bank for Rheumatic Diseases
> Wichita, Kansas
> Tel +1 316 263 2125
> [email protected]
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Philip Ryan
Associate Professor
Discipline of Public Health
Director, Data Management and Analysis Centre
Associate Dean (IT)
Faculty of Health Sciences
University of Adelaide
5005 South Australia
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Fred Wolfe
National Data Bank for Rheumatic Diseases
Wichita, Kansas
Tel +1 316 263 2125
[email protected]
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