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Re: st: SSC activity, August 2006
Sorry, but I disagree with this proposal for several reasons. First,
there is no "never-ending stream of messages beginning "I have a
problem running outreg."" Second, the continuing popularity of
-outreg- indicates that the program fulfills the needs of most users.
Third, letting -outreg2- become -outreg- may break the code in
thousands of existing do-files. Fourth, I don't think it is fair to
ask John Gallup to withdraw his valuable contribution to Stata.
This message is not influenced by personal bias. I use -estout-.
Friedrich Huebler
--- Austin Nichols <[email protected]> wrote:
> Could we not just ask Gallup <[email protected]> to withdraw
> -outreg- and let -outreg2- become -outreg- on SSC? It would save
> all of us a never-ending stream of messages beginning "I have a
> problem running outreg."
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