It's hard to give advice without exactly knowing what your data sets
look like, but I would
(1) transform your WB data like I do with the fake data below, save it
as new_data.dta and clear
(3) Open first_data.dta and sort by country and year
(4) merge using country year using C:/.../new_data.dta
Here's the code to inspire step 1:
/* Make Fake Data */
set obs 10
gen year=2000+_n
foreach country in Atlantis Tuvalu Abusrdistan Paradiseland {
gen `country'=uniform()
/* Rename Each Country as x1,... */
local i=1
foreach country in Atlantis Tuvalu Abusrdistan Paradiseland {
rename `country' x`i'
local n`i' "`country'"
local i=`i'+1
/* Reshape Data */
reshape long x, i(year) j(country)
/* Label The Countries */
qui sum country
forvalues j=`r(min)'/`r(max)' {
label define countrylbl `j' "`n`j''", modify
lab val country countrylbl
sort country year
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