The comment is a (logical) line too. It needs a delimiter.
I just can't work up this enthusiasm for ; as delimiters
unless you are really a C or SAS programmer trapped in a Stata
user's body. /// pretty much frees you of the need
to use ; , even if you do have lots of long lines.
And variants on this question arise so frequently that
it underlines the impression that ; is more difficult to
use than plain old carriage returns.
[email protected]
Dimitriy V. Masterov
> Does anyone understand why multiple "//" comments and using ";" as a
> delimiter fail? I am baffled.
> Here's code that demonstrates the problem:
> #delimit cr
> // comment1
> // comment2
> pwd
> #delimit;
> // comment1
> pwd;
> // comment1
> // comment2
> pwd;
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